Free Webinar: Wills, Trusts & Nursing Home Protection
Create a plan of action for protecting your family, your life savings, and your legacy. Adding a Will or Trust to your list of priorities will ensure that your family is protected if something should happen to you. If you resolve to plan for your future this year, then stop procrastinating and get started by joining our FREE estate planning seminar.
Join us for this FREE workshop for a discussion about:
- Pros and Cons of Wills, Living Trusts, and Probate
- Why the old ways of planning so often fail
- What is probate, and why do people prefer to avoid it by making a Living Trust
- How to plan for nursing care costs – without going broke or buying insurance
- Today’s most popular trust protections – divorce of children and remarriage of a spouse
- Protecting children’s inheritance from lawsuits
- How to prepare for the legal aspects of incapacitation
- How to plan for family members with Special Needs or disabilities
- Protecting your pets – the most forgotten family member!