Since we are centered in Cincinnati, we are well positioned to serve clients from Fairfield, Ohio. This is a very special place with a rich history that dates back to 1877. It has a unique charm all its own, and everything that the greater metropolitan area has to offer is within easy reach. As a result, residents enjoy the best of both worlds.
The Census Bureau tells us that about 15% of the city’s residents are 65 years of age or older. We specialize in elder law matters, so we assist people in this age group. On this page, we will share some resources that you may want to take advantage of if you are a Fairfield senior citizen.
Medicaid Planning
Seven out of every 10 seniors will need help with their activities of daily living eventually according to the United States Department of Health and Human Services. For a time, family members may be able to provide necessary assistance, but full-time residence in a nursing home is often required at some point.
These facilities are very expensive, and most people would not be able to comfortably pay for a stay in a nursing home out of pocket. If you are not worried because you will qualify for Medicare when you reach the age of 65, we have some bad news to pass along. This program will pay for convalescent care after an injury or illness, but will not pay for the custodial care that nursing homes provide.
The Medicaid program, which is jointly administered by the federal government along with the state government, does pay for long-term care. Though it is only available to individuals with sparse financial resources, most people in nursing homes are enrolled in it.
You can divest yourself of assets to stay within the limit, but planning is key, because gift giving must be completed at least five years before you apply. We have created an in-depth report on the subject that will provide you with everything that you need to know about nursing home asset protection. To access your copy of this valuable resource, click the following link: Fairfield, OH Medicaid Planning Report.
Fairfield 55-Plus Programs
The city of Fairfield is very proactive about fostering the well-being of seniors in every way possible. To this end, they have established some excellent 55-Plus Programs through the Parks and Recreation Department. You can visit the page on the Fairfield website that is devoted to the 55-Plus Programs to see what is available.
Greater Cincinnati Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association
Sadly, one out of every eight senior citizens has developed Alzheimer’s disease, and the number rises to 40% for people that are 85 years of age and older. If you would like to tap into available resources or help others, you may want to connect with the greater Cincinnati Chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association. They can be reached by phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week at 800-272-3900.
Fairfield Area Elder Law Seminars
Our attorneys offer estate planning and elder law seminars in and around Fairfield on a continuous basis. You can obtain a great deal of useful information if you attend the session that fits into your schedule. To see the dates and get all the registration information, visit this page: Fairfield, Ohio Elder Law Seminars.
Schedule a Consultation!
Without question, the elder law attorneys at our firm are the best resource for Cincinnati area seniors. Our doors are open if you would like to schedule an appointment to discuss the eventualities of aging. You can use the contact form on this website to send us a message, and we can be reached by phone at 513.721.1513.