Estate Planning and Elder Law Services

two people looking at paperwork

Estate Planning

Many people have misconceptions about estate planning. You may think estate planning is something only the wealthy need, or only the elderly require. The reality is, this could not be further from the truth. No matter your age, your income status, or the assets you have acquired, estate planning is essential. Estate planning involves taking steps to care for your loved ones, and also to make sure you can maintain dignity and autonomy in the face of tragedy.

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Incapacity Planning

A Cincinnati incapacity planning lawyer at Zimmer Law Firm can offer you the advice you need to create a comprehensive incapacity plan that will protect you and those you love. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and learn more about the assistance we can provide.

grandmother walking grandchild down sidewalk

IRA Inheritance Planning

Individual Retirement Arrangements, or IRAs, are one of the best vehicles for saving for retirement due to the tax advantages that these arrangements present. Depending whether you chose a traditional or a Roth IRA, you can either invest with pre-tax funds or can invest with after-tax dollars and allow money to grow tax free and be withdrawn without paying taxes during retirement.

grandparents hugging grandchildren

Legacy Wealth Planning

The legacy that you leave behind can change your family’s life, and can even change the world. Whether you have substantial funds or simply want to make sure your family assets are kept safe and passed on to the next generation, you owe it to yourself and to those who you love to make a plan for after your death. Zimmer Law Firm is here to help. Zimmer Law Firm provides assistance to clients at all phases of wealth building and legacy planning.

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LGBTQ Estate Planning

The LGBTQ estate planning attorneys at the Zimmer Law Firm have a long history of representing LGBTQ individuals in taking steps to protect themselves, their partners, and their families. When it comes to end-of-life issues, asset protection, wealth building, and protecting your family, you need to have the very best legal advice. As members of the American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys and the National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, Inc., we have the credentials to provide the legal assistance you require. We also have the compassion and commitment to provide the type of advice you deserve.

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Medicaid Planning

For most seniors, the most important concerns about the future include making a retirement nest egg last and making sure you can be cared for in the event of a serious illness or injury. The job of an attorney focused on elder law and Medicaid planning is to help seniors to address these two most important issues. Elder law attorneys do not just help seniors; however, as anyone can benefit from getting comprehensive legal advice about achieving a financially secure future.

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The SECURE Act requires most non-spousal beneficiaries to withdraw 100% of the inherited IRA over a 10-year period. This change would likely only impact IRA heirs that are set to inherit a large amount since smaller IRA amounts are typically used up within 10 years by most. If you are concerned about the potential tax burden of your non-spouse IRA heirs receiving their inheritance faster, you may need to have your estate plan adjusted. Call our office to learn more about upcoming seminars where we’ll be reviewing these changes in greater detail or to schedule a consultation with an attorney.

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Special Needs Planning

Many people with a severe impairment or disability are not able to work or earn enough money to support themselves. If someone you care about has special needs and cannot be financially independent, you may wish to help provide for this person in your life. Unfortunately, simply giving a gift during your life or after your death may not be the best approach to take. Providing for someone with special needs can be complicated, but it is a worthy goal. It is also a goal that the special needs estate planning attorneys at Zimmer Law Firm can help you achieve.

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Young Adult Protection Plan

Our Young Adult Protection Plan™ includes all the legal documents and medical-legal documents necessary for a parent to see to the child’s medical and legal needs during recovery or incapacity. Those documents are as follows: Property Power of Attorney – Authorizes an agent(s) to manage assets and legal affairs for a young adult child if he or she becomes incapacitated. Health Care Power of Attorney – Appoints an agent(s) to make health care decisions for a young adult child who is unable to make his or her own decisions. Living Will – A child’s declaration of wishes about artificial life support or medical treatment that would only serve to prolong the process of dying, in case of imminent death. HIPAA Release – Authorizes parents to receive medical information about a child.

Cincinnati Medicaid Planning Attorneys

Peace of mind is important, and the Estate Planning and Medicaid Planning Attorneys at Zimmer Law Firm work tirelessly to help you achieve it. We have many free resources such as articles and reports to give you the information you need to make smart, informed decisions.  Call to arrange for an Estate Planning consultation to learn about your options, or attend a FREE estate planning webinar or seminar.

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One of the Best Decisions You Will Ever Make

I used Zimmer Law Firm to initially set up a trust as POA for an ill parent. After working with Mr. Zimmer, it was clear that he is an amazing and smart attorney – and truly has a passion for helping people with estate planning needs. As a result of the wonderful job he did with my parent’s trust, I decided to proactively set up a trust for myself for the future. I have and will continue to recommend Zimmer Law Firm to others. It’s one of the best decisions you will ever make.

How Do Elder Law Attorneys Help Clients?

Elder law attorneys get their name because the field of elder law is focused on the legal issues that primarily affect senior citizens. These issues include planning for incapacity; asset protection; planning for long-term care; and planning to leave a legacy after death.

While seniors are most likely to need long-term care, to become incapacitated, or to pass away, the reality is that people of all age groups could find themselves facing an unexpected illness or injury that is deadly, that sends them to a nursing home, or that leaves them unable to communicate.

Elder law attorneys help people to plan for the risk that something will go wrong, as well as to plan for the certainty of an eventual death. This means assisting clients with:

  • An incapacity plan: Who will manage assets if you cannot? Who will make medical decisions for you if you can’t speak for yourself? What kinds of medical care do you want? Your attorney will help you to use tools like living trusts and powers of attorney so these questions are answered.
  • A long-term care plan: How will you get your nursing home costs paid for if you need to move to an assisted living facility? An elder law attorney helps you to make a plan to ensure that going to a nursing home doesn’t bankrupt you or your family.
  • An asset protection plan: How can you protect the wealth that you have acquired? An attorney provides advice on building a retirement nest egg, making it last, and using the legal tools available to provide the maximum protection for your money and property.
  • An estate plan: What will happen after your death? Your attorney will help address important issues in an estate plan, like who will inherit and how you can protect the assets that you leave to your family.

When you talk with an elder law attorney, your lawyer will discuss your specific concerns and goals for the future. A plan will be created that is custom-tailored to achieve your dreams and to make sure your wishes are respected, even if someday you are not able to communicate your desires.

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Preserving Your Legacy

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why Do Young Couples Need an Estate Plan?

While many people think of senior citizens when they consider who should...

While many people think of senior citizens when they consider who should make an estate plan, older people are not the only ones who benefit from planning ahead. In fact, for young couples and young families, the estate planning process can be especially important. If the couple has a young child, instructions must be provided for who should become that child’s guardian if something should happen to the parents. There must also be provisions made for the child’s financial support if the parents pass away. If a young couple is not yet married but they wish for their assets to be left to each other or their partner to act as their agent in case of incapacity, estate planning is also necessary to make that happen.

More on Estate Planning

What is Small Business Succession Planning?

Small business succession planning involves the process of making plans in order...

Small business succession planning involves the process of making plans in order to ensure the small business can easily be transferred to new owners, without operations being interrupted. An ownership interest in partnerships, sole proprietorships, LLCs, and even closely held corporations cannot transfer to new owners as easily as a publicly traded corporation can transfer to new owners. If the owner is involved in day-to-day operations, the transfer becomes even more complicated because new owners must take over immediately. Plans must be made to ensure that this can happen, whether death, disability or simply retirement occurs.

More on Succession Planning

What is Legacy Wealth Planning?

Legacy Wealth Planning is the creation of a definitive plan for managing...

Legacy Wealth Planning is the creation of a definitive plan for managing your total wealth while you’re alive, distributing your estate how you choose after your death, and a clear plan to pass on your legacy. Your estate includes all assets of any value that you own. This includes non-financial assets as well as financial assets, including real property, business interests, investments, insurance proceeds, retirement accounts and personal property. Your legacy incorporates important decisions ensuring your family core values, responsible behaviors and community involvement are passed on to future generations. Keep in mind, your legacy also includes personal effects, such as family heirlooms, stories, and accumulated wisdom and life lessons of your family.

More on Legacy Wealth Planning

Aren’t Medicare and Medicaid Basically the Same?

Those who are unfamiliar with Medicaid and Medicare often use the names...

Those who are unfamiliar with Medicaid and Medicare often use the names interchangeably and/or assume they are the same program. Medicaid and Medicare are two distinct programs, although they both offer healthcare benefits. Like Medicaid, Medicare is funded by the U.S. government but is also administered by the federal government. The more important difference between the two programs is that Medicaid is a “needs-based” program, meaning you must demonstrate a financial need for the benefits to qualify. Medicare, on the other hand, is an entitlement program, meaning that if you paid into the program during your working years, you are automatically entitled to benefits when you turn 65.

More on Medicaid Planning

What is a Trust?

A trust is a relationship whereby property is held by one party...

A trust is a relationship whereby property is held by one party for the benefit of another. A trust is created by a Settlor, also referred to as a Grantor, Trustor, or Maker, who transfers property to a Trustee. The Settlor also names beneficiaries in the trust agreement who will receive distributions from the trust. The Trustee holds that property for the designated beneficiaries.

More on Trusts

Estate Planning Attorneys Who Care

We understand that Peace of Mind extends beyond setting up a plan and must include protecting family wealth. That is why our Cincinnati estate planning attorney works just as hard in helping families protect their assets from the high cost of nursing care through Medicaid planning. We also help the families of our clients in settling their affairs and carrying out their wishes when the estate plan must be implemented.

For more information about the services and benefits offered in our Client Care Program, please call us today for a free informational package at 513.721.1513.

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